I know that we’re just at the end of January, but if you have kids in middle school or higher, I want to share something with you.
Your child will be graduating high school soon and while it might seem like you still have some time left to plan for their tuition costs in college, I want to ask you something.
Have you had your kids apply for scholarships or grants yet?
I know! Nerdy question.
But, you see, I didn’t learn that kids can apply for scholarships and grants until my kids were in their tweens and I felt like I lost so many years of opportunities to get them the most money for their university or trade school education.
So, I educated myself more about this and learned that kids should DEFINITELY be applying beginning 6th grade!
And you know what? There are non-profit organizations to help teach kids how to do this and how to make sure that their school counselors place them in a good academic pathway.
I feel strongly about that part in particular because I feel that my high school counselor set me up to fail. He recommended me to lower-level, less challenging classes because he thought that I couldn’t handle them.
So, I went along with it because I didn’t believe in myself, and I was lazy. Yup. No one was there to push me, so I got lazy.
Little did I know how much that lowered my chances of getting into a good college. As a matter of fact, by the time I got to my senior year, I had already decided that I had enough reasons to not pursue higher education right away.
I told myself that I didn’t have money, the grades, or the confidence to go to college. But you see, I also didn’t have anyone to guide me or push me.
So, in case you are a parent who is uninformed about this, I want you to know first and foremost that this IS NOT YOUR FAULT.
(IN SPANISH) Uno no sabe qué preguntar de lo que no sabe.
One does not know what to ask about what they don’t know.
Second of all, it’s not too late to start educating yourself about this now and….
It’s not too late for your child to start applying for grants and scholarships now, even if they are in their last year of high school. HECK! Even if they are already IN college!
So, I created a Parent's College Prep Guide. This guide includes websites to help little kids learn in fun ways, weblinks where students can apply for grants and scholarships, and even information about an overseas summer program.